
Aim High…

Recently, I read a book about a man who didn’t experience indoor plumbing until he was six years old. He was so infatuated with the flush toilet he flushed it repeatedly. Today, that man is a Supreme Court Justice. Aim high. The only thing holding you back is yourself…



Confidence is built over time. Think about it, a toddler didn’t walk the first time they tried. Anytime you are learning a new skill, give yourself grace but apply yourself with a solid work ethic. Your confidence will grow…



All of us have two voices inside our heads, talking to us every waking moment. One voice encourages us, prompting us to pursue goodness and greater purpose. The other voice speaks fear and doubt into our minds. We have a choice: which voice do I listen to?


Childhood Dreams…

Remember when you were a child? You were going to conquer the world, and nothing was going to stop you. Then the harshness of life came along, causing many people to settle for less than the desires of their hearts. The dreams of that child are still alive. Dig them out and pursue them. The only thing standing in our way is ourselves…


Moving Forward…

There are only a few days left of this unusual year. I encourage you to remain vigilant, stay strong…


The New Year: 2021

We are close to having 2020 in our rear view mirror. It has been a tough year, for sure, unlike any other. But stay strong, the invisible enemy is still with us. You just gotta keep focused on the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s coming…



The determined mindset is an intangible. What causes one person to make it through unthinkable circumstances, while another gives up? I believe it can be summarized in one word: hope. Hope keeps us going when there’s no reason to keep going…



The holidays bring a veil of peace to most people. For some, it is a time when depression accelerates. I wish everyone who reads this a peaceful season. But if you are depressed, please seek help. It will get better. Call this number if depression is overwhelming you: 800-273-8255.



Everyone makes mistakes. We can be so quick to point out the things others have done wrong. Today’s culture almost revels in this. The same culture has created the “victim” mentality, saying “the mistake I made was because…”: take your pick. Own it, ask forgiveness if you have offended someone, and move on…



As the madness of the holidays is almost over, think of the gifts you remember. Most are not memorable, but the ones that stand out in our minds have one common thread: they were thoughtful…
