
Like Me?

One aspect of social media has turned into a competition. How many “likes” does my post receive? This is dangerous if you are looking for validation because someone’s out there who’s getting more attention. If you start comparing yourself to others based upon the number of likes you get, you will live disappointedly. Start with a worthwhile message, one that inspires people. Post it. Let God handle who sees it. I believe the people who need to see my messages will see them at the right time in their lives. It works.

That said, I hope you like it…#heart #inspiration #purpose #drive #desire #passion #encouragement #connection #love



Failure is unavoidable in an imperfect world. Our response to getting knocked down reveals who we are. When we are on the road to fulfilling our destiny, expect setbacks. Expect a lot of hurdles, failures and frustrations. Do not be deterred. Take solace in knowing you are on the right path when you are experiencing a lot of difficulties. View those “failures” as confirmation…#heart #purpose #drive #desire #action #connection #inspiration #influence #passion #destiny #encouragement #love



Where do you find hope when you feel hopeless? We can be quick to show the world how great our lives are on Facebook and Instagram. It seems like we have it all together. But sometimes the lights grow dim, and we are left with nothing but a strand of twine to hold onto. We don’t share these moments with the world. People might judge us, deem us unworthy of adoration or real affection. It is in the darkest times when hope reigns. It’s all we have. This is when God shows up. He restores our ability to rely on Him fully. He’s been with us, working through us during the best times in our lives, too. Remember this, and express gratitude every day. Yes, even when things aren’t going well. Something to consider…#heart #drive #desire #purpose #gratitude #hope #connection #inspiration #encouragement #love


Live Fully…

Life is to be lived to the fullest, yet so many people are just existing. Why is that? When we were little children we were going to reach the stars. Our imaginations were unlimited. Along the road of life we got knocked down, or “realism” crept in and affected our thinking. We settled rather than reached. It’s not too late. Get re-engaged. Dream a new dream. Then take the brave first step towards it…#heart #purpose #inspiration #drive #desire #passion #encouragement #connection #limitless #fearless #dreams #love



Create the vision for your life you want. Don’t make it about wealth, possessions and power. Create a vision of reaching and impacting others. Think big. See as far as you can see. Then see a little farther. You will get all the fame and fortune you can handle when you focus your life on helping others…#heart #purpose #drive #desire #serve #passion #connection #greatness #inspiration #encouragement #love



The human spirit is designed to grow. It is how we are hardwired. When you feel a stirring inside your soul, act on it. Take a step out in faith. And be fearless. Growth is on the other side of fear…#heart #drive #desire #purpose #passion #inspiration #connection #encouragement #love #fearless


Do You Fit?

Conformity is the breeding ground of comparison. The genesis of comparison is fear. It keeps you from being your true self; showing yourself to the world. Step out in faith and show your brilliance. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Start now…#heart #drive #desire #purpose #connection #passion #true #self #inspiration #encouragement #love


Look At Me…

In today’s culture, people want to be noticed. We compare ourselves to others by how many “likes” our post on Facebook or Instagram gets. Why? Does having the most likes mean something important? It can, especially if we are spreading something positive, something worthwhile. Let’s spread goodness that money can’t buy. Be the one who shares light and life with others. Be somebody…#heart #drive #desire #purpose #inspiration #passion #encouragement #connection #love


The Prisoner…

I wonder how many people reading this believe their best days are in the past. Believing this lie is self-limiting, preventing you from moving forward. The human spirit is designed to grow, yet I meet people who have constructed metaphorical prison cells around their lives. Free to experience a fulfilling life, but merely existing through life. If this is you, know this: you have the key to the cell door, and can free yourself whenever you choose…#heart #connection #drive #desire #purpose #inspiration #thoughts #encouragement #love


An Exercise For Growth…

Have you ever taken the time to write down your values? What is important to you? I suggest you take a moment to do just that. As you think about this exercise, take into consideration characteristics like truth, integrity, trustworthiness. These provide a foundation for a purpose-driven life. Give yourself plenty of time to think this through. Add to the list as your life progresses. After all, this is your life. As an added thought, look at the people you spend your time with. Do they reflect the values which are important to you? If the answer is yes, and your values are noble, you are doing something right. If not, perhaps it’s time to move on from them and grow. They will be fine, but you will be better. You will start to attract the right people into your life. Growth takes effort, persistence, resilience and time. It’s time to grow…#heart #connection #growth #drive #desire #passion #bebest #inspiration #encouragement #love
