

In today’s world, we can have anything from liquor and groceries to Waterford Crystal delivered to our homes. Technology has made this possible.

We gain valuable time from modern conveniences, but everything has a cost attached to it. We lose human interaction when we order from our computer screen. And if the pandemic taught us anything, it’s that we need each other.

Make certain you take time to connect with your fellow man. You need them, and they need you…


The Battle Unseen

Are you aware there is a spiritual battle going on around us in a dimension we can’t see? Just because we can’t see it doesn’t make it any less real.

One third of the Angels in this realm are demons. The rest are God’s messengers, fighting on our behalf. Every trouble we have in this world is a spiritual battle. This is one of the reasons why prayer is so important. It demonstrates that we believe in God, that He can and will help us. Further, his word tells us he will.

Let’s step away from trying to control everything. Let’s allow God to do his thing. We will provide backup through prayer.

When you change the lens you see the world through and view everything in the spiritual realm, your mindset changes…



When you take a step back and observe the challenges our world faces, it can be overwhelming. That’s not a valid reason to give up solving them before even trying.

Hunger, homelessness and mental health must be addressed one person at a time. It takes collective effort from all of us. We can make a difference. It begins with believing we can…


Who Are You Listening To?

We talk to ourselves constantly. When we are feeling good about our lives, we encourage ourselves. Have a run of bad luck and the opposite is true.

But which voice are we listening to? My parents told me I would never amount to anything, that I “wasn’t worth a damn.” For a period of my life, I validated their belief. Until I no longer accepted what they said as true.

Sometimes the voices of doubt and insecurity return, but I don’t have to believe them. Neither do you…



Repentance is a word I rarely use because it sounds too religious. Let’s take a deeper look into what the word means in today’s blog.

To repent means to “change your mind.” But it doesn’t mean change your mind in the sense of “today I planned to wear green but decided on blue instead.” No, it means to change the way you think. When we change our mindset, we change our outcomes.

Change can be hard. I get that. But if the old way of thinking hasn’t served you well, it’s probably worth taking on the challenge of change…


Let’s Do More

Gratitude is a common theme here. Yesterday was the day in the United States where we slow down a little and focus on what we are thankful for. My question is, why don’t we do that every day?

If you want to expand your worldview, I encourage you to write three things down that you are grateful for. Do this every night before you go to sleep. Your mind will cogitate on your gratitude list while you sleep.

Try it for thirty days. Drop a comment telling me what your results are. I’m interested…


Interview with Billy Bob Harris I The Determined People Podcast

Billy Bob Harris is the most connected individual I have ever known. His contact list defies the “six degrees of separation” and brings it down to one degree. He is a connector, a facilitator who quickly connects the dots. Billy Bob spreads encouragement as well, and he is the perfect guest for our Thanksgiving week show.

Watch to the very end for a special Thanksgiving message.


Build That Wall!

Boundaries are something many people struggle with. For a period in my life, I couldn’t bring myself to say “no” to anything people asked of me. As a result, I would end up doing a lot of things half-ass. By not giving my best, my self-esteem took a hit.

After doing a lot of self-work (12 years of psychotherapy and counting), I learned it’s okay to say no. Setting boundaries is a form of standing up for yourself. By doing this, I became more effective in the things I said yes to.

Learn to say no. Say yes to whatever is enriching and edifying to your life. The first time is the hardest, but that’s how you grow…
