

Texans are different. We are. The spirit of America lives large in Texas. Entrepreneurship thrives in Texas because of that great spirit.

We have our own set of challenges, of course. We have lazy people, victimhood mentality is growing, and our border is overwhelmed. Yet we find a way.

I do volunteer speaking in detention centers and prisons in Texas. I talk about God, even though our federal government tells me I can’t. The administration in these facilities encourages me to talk about the Creator. If I did this in California or New York, I would be run out of the state!

If you haven’t ever visited Texas, please come. You will not run out of interesting things to do, and our people will embrace you with their kindness. Come see for yourself…


One And Only One

If you were forced to wear one outfit over and over again, what would it be?

I would wear athletic gear if I was required to wear one outfit for the rest of my life. Living in Texas, I could get away with it. We have mild winters here.

Wearing the same clothes every day won’t stop other changes from happening. Personally, I will continue to grow and stretch myself. I’m writing a second book, and the computer doesn’t care what I have on. I do volunteer public speaking in Texas prisons. The inmates are just glad to see me.

I encourage you to look beyond what you see on the outside. The inside is still changing…



Summer is here in the Northern Hemisphere! That means it’s time for a vacation, right? But what is the purpose of a vacation?

Taking time away from our daily routines is good. We create memories with our loved ones, and we have an opportunity to unwind from the stresses of life. Experiencing new things also stimulates our minds. Our brains sorta reboot, if you will.

Take a trip this summer, even if it’s a short one. Life’s routines will be waiting for you…


Spread It!

Kindness is contagious! So are negativity and judgement. They can catch on like a wildfire and before you know it, you have a maelstrom.

In my observation, there are a lot of hurting people in the world. The long-term effects of isolation have rewired the minds of people, and not in a good way. Our friends and neighbors are dealing with emotions they don’t know how to navigate through.

Let’s help others by showing kindness to them. Even if they don’t deserve it…


Take a Side

We live in an increasingly divided world. Lines in the sand are drawn over everything from Trump to abortion. But maybe we are being fooled.

I have this belief, and perhaps I’m naive, that most people are good. The heart of America has not been lost to the crazies or “wokeness.” People see through the smokescreens politicians throw at us. And we recognize when we are being pandered to.

Yet there are those who are blinded by hate. Their anger runs so deep they believe what they want to believe, regardless of what is true. There is only one truth and it cannot be bent.

I believe it’s important to stand up for what you believe in. We should take sides. Let’s make sure it’s on the side of truth…


Taking Control

I saw someone post a link to a book titled, “The Six Steps to Taking Control of Your Life.” Guess what? You already possess the six steps, whatever they are.

We are in control of one thing: our attitude. It’s our attitude that determines the decisions we make in our lives, which determines our outcomes. If our attitude says, “by working hard I will achieve everything I want to achieve,” then we go to work! But if our attitude makes us think we deserve things just for showing up, we are liable to be disappointed.

You control everything, and everything begins with your mindset. If you want more from life than you are receiving, shift your mindset…



Everyone needs people, good people in their lives. You know who I’m referring to. I’m talking about people who tell us what we need to hear, not what we want to hear. We have acquaintances for surface conversations.

Loneliness is a companion for many. So is the darkness of the night. People are struggling to get through life and all it’s challenges.

If you are reading this and feel like you are stuck, you aren’t. Step into the light. Feel it’s warmth all through your body. Let hope spring forth from deep inside your spirit. It’s there. Find it…



In the United States it appears we are trying to rewrite history. Statues of historical figures from Robert E. Lee to Abraham Lincoln have been removed in the name of “curing racism.” Yes, even “Honest Abe” has been removed.

History is a great tool to learn from. In the United States we have made plenty of mistakes in the evolution of our country. But we have done far more good than bad. When disaster strikes anywhere in the world, we are the first ones to respond. And we should be.

History is fascinating. Let’s remove political correctness (which started with the communists) and learn from the past. Our growth potential is unlimited…


Here! Have Another Bite

Have you ever had someone try to cram their politics or religion down your throat? I believe we all can answer that question with a resounding yes!

Trying to convince others to believe what we believe through force doesn’t work. People have their own reasons for their convictions, right or wrong. It’s none of our business, actually.

The best way to communicate our faith is through our actions, not a bunch of religious talk. People might respond to our political beliefs by asking questions of why we believe the way we do. Then, and only then, we can begin a dialogue.

Let’s focus on our actions, not our words. Find out who you are, then stay true to yourself, but keep an open mind to the beliefs of others. We are better together…
