
Keep It Simple

We all know people who like to demonstrate their great knowledge by using words most people don’t understand. In my opinion, those people are showing their lack of knowledge about a particular subject, and by using rarely used, difficult words they keep others from engaging with them and exposing them.

Simplicity reigns. It is possible to take a difficult subject and discuss it in ways that keep people interested. This encourages dialogue, even allowing opposing views to come out. This is how you connect with others and grow.

You can be the smartest person in the room without telling anyone that you are. Keep it simple…

#inspiration, #spirituality

The Most Dangerous Prayer

In the Bible we are encouraged to “pray continuously.” Admittedly I forget to do this sometimes. Most days I’m just talking to God throughout my day. Perhaps that is prayer, but I just consider it talking to a trustworthy friend.

Do you want to activate your prayer life? If your answer to this question is yes, and you mean it, here’s how: pray the most dangerous prayer you can. And it’s short. Use me. That’s it. And believe me when I say that God will answer quickly.

God is looking for people He can use to accomplish His will on earth. When we become willing, He will use us.

Here is my daily prayer. Feel free to use it for yourself. “Use me. Work through me. Through my writings and through my words. Through my actions and through my deeds. Let me be a light in this dark world.”

Be a light…

#inspiration, #spirituality


Sometimes people do some strange things. Some of those beg the question, “what were you thinking???” Motives are sometimes misguided.

Jesus was the most intentional person who ever lived. He was on a quest, a mission to bring hope to the oppressed and the forgotten. Jesus showed us the character of God. His intentions were pure, and they still are.

Our educational system has been rewriting history for decades. They are intentionally misleading our youth. Purposely misguiding children is one of the most heinous things you can do. Kids can handle the truth.

Every action we take has a motive behind it. Live life intentionally, and bring forth what comes from a pure heart…

#inspiration, #spirituality

Daily Stuff to Do

Since you are reading this, it’s safe to assume that you woke up this morning! And if you are like most people, you are going to work, followed by some exercise, happy hour, or just relaxing. Much of life is routine.

But there’s more. Every day is an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others. Be proactive. Reach out. Make a phone call or send a card. Do something to lift others.

People will always remember how you made them feel. Impacting others in the right way is worth more than material wealth or possessions.

Do something. Do something today. Be a difference maker…


See What?

When you look at someone, do you see their outer appearance or do you look deeper? Looks are one thing, but there’s so much more.

I encourage you to see through to the heart of others. Everyone has a strong desire to be seen, heard and understood. Let them. Making things about yourself might cause you to miss some things. Some important things!

Take time to get to know people. See what makes them tick. When you let your guard down, you encourage others to do the same…

#inspiration, #spirituality


Power. Everyone wants power, or do they? Perhaps they are seeking control and their perception is that power and control go hand in hand. They don’t.

First, let’s talk about control. The only thing we can control is our attitude. I can’t control what you think about me, and I can’t control whether you like me or not. Attitude is key to everything. It gets us through hell and keeps us going when things are tough.

Power comes from ceding power. That’s right. When we give up our quest to be powerful we actually gain power. Meekness is the best definition for gaining power. Meekness means strength under control. Doesn’t that sound a lot like power?

What we give, we get. And that includes power…

#inspiration, #spirituality

Useful Metaphors

Some things are said so often we can start to believe they are real. I call them “useful metaphors”

“Separation of church and state” is one of those metaphors. Nowhere in any of our founding documents will you find those words written. Yet, there are people who would swear in court that they are there. They are not.

“Follow your heart” is another one. It sounds nice, and it even has a spiritual ring to it. The Bible tells us that we should guard our hearts. The heart is deceitful. We should pursue our dreams, which might be a better way of saying follow your heart.

A true useful metaphor isn’t really a metaphor at all. That one says, “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is…”

Stay mindful…

#inspiration, #spirituality

Seen or Unseen

Everyone wants to be seen, heard and understood. It’s universal, yet many are afraid to let their guard down and show themselves.

Musicians have written about this conundrum for years. The Goo Goo Dolls, one of my favorite bands, wrote this chorus in their song, “Iris:”

“And I don’t want the world to see me
‘Cause I don’t think that they’d understand
When everything’s made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am.”

I believe people stay guarded because they believe if someone saw them for who they are, they wouldn’t be liked. A hard truth is, not everyone is going to like us. And that’s okay. When you are trying to make a positive impact in the world, you’re gonna rub some people the wrong way. And that’s okay.

I encourage you to continue showing the world who you are, spreading goodness and light along the way. If you piss a few people off doing that, it’s okay…


Telling the Truth

People like to exaggerate stories, don’t they? Whether it’s a story about catching a fish or surviving the Texas freeze known as the “snowpocalypse,” simply sharing the facts isn’t good enough. And truth be told, we love hearing the great stories!

In the culture of today, people like to speak “their truth.” There is only one truth, whether it’s yours or not. No matter how bright we are, the truth cannot be reinvented or even altered.

We aren’t always truthful with ourselves. This is known as rationalization. We lie to ourselves so the truth won’t do harm to us. Yet, deep down we know the truth.

The best part of telling the truth is, we never have to remember what we said to anyone. Through consistency, we gain the reputation of being honest. And by staying true to honesty we build trust with others…



Everyone loves pizza! A pizza can come with a variety of toppings, or it can be just plain cheese. We all have our favorite pizza.

Just like pizza, people come in all varieties. Some people are positive while others are pessimistic. Some are in shape while others have not seen the inside of a gym in decades.

Unlike pizza, people are thinking and feeling beings. We have different goals, dreams and desires. We have experienced different pains and struggles along the way. But as different as we seem, we are more alike than we might consider.

Take the time to get to know your fellow man. Maybe go out for a pizza together!
