

We try so hard to control everything in our lives. Then something we couldn’t anticipate hits us, and we try to regain control. It’s exhausting. The God of the universe is the only one with complete control, and yet we fight Him, refusing to submit our will for His. We have control over one thing alone: our attitude. Pay attention…



Everyone we meet is either healing from something, or running from it. Entire industries have been created from inner discord: self-help, online dating and personal coaching, to name a few. True healing comes from within. Every problem in our world and our lives is a problem of the heart. When you get your heart right, you change…


Panic in the Pandemic…

Panic is never a strategy. When you start to feel discomfort because you are in unfamiliar territory, stop and consider what you can learn in that moment. There are many lessons to be learned during this period: patience, introspection, compassion, and kindness are a few. Don’t waste the moment by panicking. Be calm…



People are difficult, especially those who don’t act the way we want them to. We become willing to work through the differences to engage in relationships. Otherwise, we would all be loners. Let’s not forget that the first one we must accept and work on is ourselves. Do the work. We are worth it…



After months of staying home, being isolated from family and friends, some people are overwhelmed with loneliness. It’s important that we stay connected, especially with those who live alone. The pandemic has taught us several things so far, and one of those lessons has been how much we need human connection. Stay strong, and stay connected…
