#inspiration, #spirituality


Over the course of our lives we develop fears, things we are afraid of. When left unchecked these fears can become irrational and debilitating.

Growing up in a violent home, I used to become fearful and I would shut down when people raised their voice. It triggered me. Even as an adult, I knew no one could harm me physically anymore, but inside of me the visceral reaction was real. Through my time spent with an excellent psychotherapist I was able to heal from my past.

Therapy is a good thing when you find the right therapist. I’m fortunate that God led me to the perfect person to guide me. The brain is a remarkable creation, resilient and powerful. We do the work. The therapist is the guide.

You don’t need to jump out of a perfectly good airplane to conquer your fears. You do need to take a leap into the abyss, the unknown, and work on yourself.

It’s an inside job…

#inspiration, #spirituality

Damage Done

Have you ever said something you knew was hurtful, and then immediately regretted saying it? I’m guilty of that. Most of us probably have done it as well.

The damage was done, so don’t gloss over it, make excuses or deny it. Apologize. Immediately. The person you hurt might still be reeling from what was said, but if the apology was sincere they will know. And hopefully they will forgive and not try to “one up” by firing back at us.

Think before speaking. If what we are about to say is hurtful, let’s ask ourselves why we are saying it in the first place. Perhaps we are hurting from something and we want someone to feel our pain. It might be better to talk it through with a trusted friend.

What we say can never be taken back. Speak kindly or don’t speak at all…


Knocked Down, But Not Out

Some days life hits you. Hard. Stress is always present in life. I’m talking about those unexpected, unanticipated hits. Consider how life changing the loss of a child is.*

Our resolve is tested to the maximum in those circumstances. The pain is constant, sometimes overwhelming to the point you can barely breathe. You don’t know if you will ever feel normal again.

The pain gets worse before it gets better. But it does get better. Hope remains alive, like a tiny ember of a dying fire.

We don’t know how strong we are until we get leveled by life. If you are going through hell right now, keep going. Rise…

*This post is dedicated to two families I know who lost a child last fall. Their identities will remain anonymous.


Less is More

I like to talk. Anyone who knows me will verify this. I’m a storyteller and I love to make people laugh through my stories. My life is what I call a “walking sitcom!”

There are times when words aren’t necessary. If your friends, family or colleagues are hurting, they need your presence, not your advice. Just showing up speaks louder than words.

Remember this when those moments present themselves. In those times, less is more…

#inspiration, #spirituality

Say What?

When I was raising my children I let them know they could “say anything they wanted to” to me. But I would pay attention to how they said it.

Attitude is everything. What lies in our hearts will eventually come out in what we say. When I observe some of the ugly things people say to others on social media, it occurs to me that they might have a lot of unresolved anger lying beneath.

I encourage you to work on yourself. Carl Jung once wrote that “unresolved trauma leads to future neuroses.” Clear out any darkness in your heart and let the light enter. Your attitude will be enlightened and others will benefit from your goodness…


Interview with Ash Almonte

Creativity takes courage. Ash Almonte is a successful artist in an industry that has a 90% failure rate. She has found the path to turn pain from her past into beautiful works of art. She is the founder of Hopefully Sow, a charity that benefits the “least among us,” foster children. Listen to how she got involved in caring for these children, and her story of building a career she says she’s quit over 300 times!



I went to a restaurant the other evening. I love to people watch. Restaurants and airports are a Mecca for me.

A married couple sat down a few booths away. They were probably in their 50’s, attractive and well dressed. After the server took their drink order, the couple hardly made eye contact with each other, choosing to look around the restaurant at other sights rather than their spouse. I felt a slight sense of sadness for a moment. It was as if they were there by themselves.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, I encourage you to try to reconnect. Focus on the good in your relationship. It’s there or you wouldn’t have ever gotten together in the first place. Make it a daily effort. We are better together…



The heart connects us. We listen to those we care about in a deeper way. We listen with our hearts.

Trolls on the internet show the dark side of themselves. They don’t consider how their insults and judgements might harm someone else. They only care about making themselves feel “superior.” How do we deal with them? Here’s a counterintuitive way: pray for them. We cannot change the heart of mankind, but God can. Let Him.

Less is more, especially when we speak from our hearts. People remember how you made them feel…



Yesterday we had another mass shooting in Allen, Texas. Eight innocent people were killed, and seven more were wounded.

This is a direct result of our continued breakdown in mental health. Suicides are increasing, along with homelessness and hopelessness. We can change this.

Some tough decisions must be made by our legislators. They can no longer talk about mental health, while doing nothing more than kicking the can down the road. We must address the psychotics directly. Their rights must be compromised. We must institutionalize them for their safety as well as for the safety of others. Innocent people have rights, too.

By the way, it’s not the gun. Chicago is a gun-free zone. Just investigate Chicagos annual murder rate, and you’ll see what I mean. Peace, thoughts and prayers to all…
