

We have wants and we have needs. They are different.

Someone might want a bigger house, but do they really need it is a legitimate question. It’s the same thing with food. I might want to go out to dinner every night rather than cooking for myself, but I don’t need to incur the extra expense. It costs a lot to go out to eat!

When you are about to buy something on an impulse, wait 24 hours before purchasing it. Do you still get as excited about it as you did the day before? If not, then let it pass.

When you find contentment in your life, you’ll clearly see the difference between wants and needs…

#inspiration, #spirituality

By Definition

How do you define yourself? Maybe you want to be known for your sense of style, or maybe your character is the most important way you define yourself.

Whatever it is, we are known for something. People get impressed by possessions, positions and power. Yet there are people who have all those things but they are empty inside. No amount of money or prestige will fill an empty heart.

Serving your fellow man will bring you an indescribable feeling. Doing something for someone who can never repay you will fill the emptiness with incredible joy and peace.

Start by figuring out who you are. Everything else will fall into place…


Good Friday

Today is Good Friday, the day Jesus was crucified. After his arrest the night before, his disciples ran, believing they would be next. Even though Jesus told them he would be killed and arise on the third day, they were frightened. Even after witnessing thousands of miracles, they fled. Jesus told them their “faith would be shaken,” and he got that right, too.

And Jesus told them this: “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13

I wish everyone a peaceful day…

#inspiration, #spirituality

Damage Done

Have you ever said something you knew was hurtful, and then immediately regretted saying it? I’m guilty of that. Most of us probably have done it as well.

The damage was done, so don’t gloss over it, make excuses or deny it. Apologize. Immediately. The person you hurt might still be reeling from what was said, but if the apology was sincere they will know. And hopefully they will forgive and not try to “one up” by firing back at us.

Think before speaking. If what we are about to say is hurtful, let’s ask ourselves why we are saying it in the first place. Perhaps we are hurting from something and we want someone to feel our pain. It might be better to talk it through with a trusted friend.

What we say can never be taken back. Speak kindly or don’t speak at all…


Telling the Truth

People like to exaggerate stories, don’t they? Whether it’s a story about catching a fish or surviving the Texas freeze known as the “snowpocalypse,” simply sharing the facts isn’t good enough. And truth be told, we love hearing the great stories!

In the culture of today, people like to speak “their truth.” There is only one truth, whether it’s yours or not. No matter how bright we are, the truth cannot be reinvented or even altered.

We aren’t always truthful with ourselves. This is known as rationalization. We lie to ourselves so the truth won’t do harm to us. Yet, deep down we know the truth.

The best part of telling the truth is, we never have to remember what we said to anyone. Through consistency, we gain the reputation of being honest. And by staying true to honesty we build trust with others…

#inspiration, #spirituality


We have a hard time minding our own business, don’t we? People love to offer advice on how we should solve our problems and how to live our lives. I am certain that most people mean well, but they only know part of the story.

Life is pretty simple, really. Yet it can be very complicated at the same time, especially when challenges appear. New problems require new ideas to solve them. We are equipped through thought and prayer to solve anything life throws at us. We just need to engage in thought and prayer for the answers.

People want to tell us how to vote, or how we should worship God. Personally, I do not care who anyone votes for. Voting is a great privilege, and it is personal. Yet, people call you names sometimes because you just don’t cooperate! And we have freedom of religion which allows great margin for how we worship.

Focus on your life and your attitude. You are much more productive when you do…


Weak Men

It seems there are a lot of weak men nowadays. This is not good for our society, and is a great concern for our future. In today’s blog, I’m going to share with you some of my thoughts on how we got here.

Men, real men, are selfless. They make sure everyone else is taken care of. Men are hardwired in their DNA to be protectors.

I have two sons. When they were growing up, I saw parents who stepped in and got their kids out of trouble rather than allowing them to accept responsibility for their actions. My attitude was, “you got yourself into this, figure out how you will get through it.” When kids aren’t held accountable, they learn that they can be manipulative. Manipulating your way through life isn’t a sustainable plan.

Resilience is built by finding your inner strength. Men get battle hardened and realize that they can make it through anything. Weak men give up at the first sign of trouble.

We need men and women of strong character. This is the only way we will preserve a civil society. Be strong…

#inspiration, #spirituality


Our media has a saying, “if it bleeds it leads.” The Eagles recorded a song titled “Dirty Laundry.” It seems like the more sensational a story is, the more interested we are.

Conversely, we have become desensitized to most events, even the horrific ones. Oh well, it’s just another school shooting. Or, people are slaughtered while attending a concert? Old news. Give us something new, and give us more.

I encourage you to stay aware of what’s going on in our world. Be sensitive to noticing the good. Create some yourself! Goodness is everywhere. Sometimes you gotta look hard to find it.

But you won’t get it from the government or the news…

#inspiration, #spirituality

Story Time

Our stories connect us. People find themselves in stories of inspiration, and even in stories of despair. We relate to others in a way that is undefinable.

My own life story is not pretty. I grew up in a tension-filled, violent home. I walked on eggshells, afraid of setting my father off. Being in a constant state of “fight or flight” is not a good way to wire the brain. Fortunately, we can rewire our brains and heal from past trauma. It takes work, but there’s hope in the process.

I’m grateful for my life story. I have found that it resonates with inmates in prisons. Many of them come from screwed up families, and my story gives them hope for a better future.

Take a moment to consider how you want to be remembered. I want my epitaph to read, “He Cared.” Live your life in a way that will fulfill your desire of how you want to be remembered.

Do it now…
