
False Advertising

Turn on your television and Madison Avenue tells us that “blondes have more fun,” and you can drink beer and not get fat. None of it is true. It’s what you are led to believe. What messages, either internally generated or from the outside world are you believing about yourself? The world will beat you down, but you’re already doing a pretty good job of it yourself. Do not believe the lies. Believe in yourself…


New Year. New Goals.

As 2022 approaches, we like to set “New Year’s Resolutions.” Instead of making multiple resolutions, make one. Only one. Commit to seeing it through. All of us can do one thing differently. After three months, set another resolution because by then you will have mastered the first one. Continue this throughout the year. Your life will change as your confidence soars.



Today, Christmas Day is the most peaceful day of the year. Families and friends are together, enjoying the festivities. Yet, there are still people who aren’t sure where their next meal is coming from. Estranged relationships won’t be repaired because pride stands in the way. Take a brief moment to count your blessings, and remember to help those who are less fortunate. Peace to all…


What Do You Mean?

All of us want our lives to matter, to mean something. We are imbued by our Creator to have a greater purpose. We spend our lives searching for the true meaning for our time here on earth. To find ourselves, we must cut out the noise that gets in the way of keeping our minds clear and focused. It takes practice and patience to accomplish this, but it’s possible…



I love to compete. Our competitive juices are stirred when we watch the Olympians compete for the top spot. We want our country to win. In the same sense, I like to win at whatever I’m competing in. The only part of that equation I have control over is how hard I work. Some days we are the best, and sometimes our best isn’t good enough. Whatever the outcome, let’s compete honorably and always do our best…
