#inspiration, #spirituality


What scares you? I’m not talking about physical dangers like air turbulence or being stranded. I’m asking what scares you emotionally.

A majority of people fear change. Yet, change is inevitable, so embrace it, don’t fear it. Loss of loved ones is another thing people fear. Whenever a young person’s life ends suddenly, all of us who are parents are reminded that it could happen to us. But the probability is extremely low. Don’t focus on it.

Face your fears, otherwise they will control you. We fear what we can’t control, but the only thing we have control over is our attitude. Look to the future with unbridled optimism and hope. That attitude will keep you free from anxiety about life. You will see the future through a different lens. Stay hopeful…


Taking Control

I saw someone post a link to a book titled, “The Six Steps to Taking Control of Your Life.” Guess what? You already possess the six steps, whatever they are.

We are in control of one thing: our attitude. It’s our attitude that determines the decisions we make in our lives, which determines our outcomes. If our attitude says, “by working hard I will achieve everything I want to achieve,” then we go to work! But if our attitude makes us think we deserve things just for showing up, we are liable to be disappointed.

You control everything, and everything begins with your mindset. If you want more from life than you are receiving, shift your mindset…


Positive Thinking

Millions of books have been written about positive thinking. Millions more will be written. And we know too well that popular saying, “Let go. Let God.” That sounds great until you have to actually do it.

Ceding our desire to control is scary. We want our lives to have happy endings, so we try to control outcomes. Controlling things we have no control over doesn’t work.

Our Creator gives us control over one thing: our attitude. Keep yours focused on whatever is good, right and noble. That’s better than any self-help book…
