

Everyone procrastinates. Literally everyone. In her autobiography, Condoleezza Rice admitted to being a procrastinator. If the former Secretary of State does it, what exempts us?

Putting things off just makes them worse. You can change your attitude about procrastination with very little effort. Just make the decision.

Don’t wait! Do it today…

#inspiration, #spirituality


Do you believe people are capable of changing? I do. Consider the story of the Apostle Paul. Paul was the “Hebrew of Hebrews,” a devoted persecutor of Christians who was on his way to Damascus to arrest men and women and bring them back to Jerusalem for trial. Paul had a Divine encounter which led him to zealously preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ while at the same time writing two-thirds of the New Testament. Now that’s change!

Most of us will never have the risen Christ speak directly to us as Paul did. Oftentimes God works more subtly in our lives to effect change. In my own life I can tell you that God has worked on me, in me and through me. I’m glad I recognize it for what it is. Or perhaps I should say who.

People evolve and change when they want to. Change can’t be forced, but we can set the example for others. The ability to change lives inside all of us…

#inspiration, #spirituality

Change Your Mind

The way we think will determine the outcomes in our lives. Do you want to make a change in your life? Then start by changing your thoughts.

Read great books. Feed your mind with the stories of people in history who made a difference. Read the writings of the Apostle Paul. Ask for help to change and believe God will help you. He will.

Finally, get rid of every distraction that isn’t enriching your life. It’s time for change…



There are three types of intelligence: intellect, personality and adaptability. Psychologists have studied these for decades and have come to the conclusion that one of these types of intelligence has the highest correlation to success. Which type do you believe it is?

If you had said intellect, you would be wrong. And while a pleasant personality is necessary to get along with others, that answer would be incorrect, too. The correct answer is adaptability.

Being flexible in your approach to problem solving means you see things from a variety of angles. You aren’t hyper focused on just one. Your ability to adapt will take you far.

If you are fortunate enough to have a high amount of all three, there’s no stopping you…



A catalyst makes things happen. Every chemical reaction in our bodies was started by a catalyst. In the non-scientific world, a catalyst can be a person or an event.

The terrorist attacks of 9/11 were a catalyst for a renewed sense of patriotism in America. Flags were everywhere, and the demand for them was so high you couldn’t get one for months due to them being on back order. People felt unity. They knew we were in this together.

People can inspire action, too. Jesus is the greatest example of a catalyst. He started something that has not only lasted but expanded for over two thousand years.

Find your cause, your purpose for good. Take the lead and be a catalyst, too. Inspire the world…



Have you ever been used by someone? I believe we all have been used at one time or another. It hurts to know you were meaningless to another person.

Users have a different type of personality disorder. They can rationalize their sick behavior, never acknowledging the pain and carnage they leave in their wake. They simply move on to their next prey.

Here’s a counterintuitive way to deal with the users. Pray for them. Honestly pray for them. Prayer changes you, whether they change or not…



Judging others drains you of valuable energy. Accepting people as they are opens the door to new ways of seeing life around us. Our minds are open to new possibilities, new creativity.

If people are jerks, keep them out of your circle of friends and acquaintances. You can’t change their hearts. Only God can do that. By limiting their access to your life, you are protecting yourself while still accepting them as they are. Something to consider…



We are living in a unique period in time. We have news shoved in our faces 24/7, immediate home delivery of everything from groceries to alcohol, and we can reach our friends on the phone anytime…anywhere.

With these luxuries comes great responsibility. We are still called to work, be respectful and courteous to our fellow man, and raise our children the right way in a world that’s new to us. We cannot let decency die out as technology dominates our lives. Be kind. Always…
